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[ROM][7.1.2][UNOFFICAIL][OMS/DUI] DarkNess reDefined for Lenovo Vibe P1m

DarkNess reDefined

redefining the darkness in you !

DarkNess reDefined offers features and stability to the core, The main focus of the team was to make a ROM with features that are required not just bloats being tons of features to keep you thinking what to use and what not to. Apart from features we habe keptin mind the stability of the system, After intense testing and positive user reviews we've finally decided to release the build.

Status Bar

Network Traffic
Quick Settings
Bluetooth Device Battery Status
Statusbar Icon
Clock and Battery Adjustment
Brightness Control
Double-Tap to Sleep


Force Expanded Notification
Disable Immersive Mode Message
Three Finger Screenshot
Fingerprint authentication 


Hide Apps from Recent Panel


Hardware Key Configuration
-Backlight Control
-Key Custom Actions
Power Menu Configuration
Navigation Bar Configuration
-Enable/Disable Navigation Bar
-Height and width of Nav Bar Control
What's Working :
Many more

Bugs :
Tell me...

Source Code:

Thanks to :
Keng Natan
LineageOS (Base)
Resurrection Remix (RR)
Slim Roms Team
ParanoidAndroid Team
DU Team
Team Lenovo CRT
And all other open source Devs/Teams I may have missed!

ROM : darkness redefined
Base 7.1.2
Kernel : 3.18.19
Board : mt6735m 64bit
Dev : z3r0c00l_2k
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2017-12-06

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Click Here To Download>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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